Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What are your priorities?

             “What are our priorities?” It is a very well written article argued why “national debt; unrest throughout the Middle East; and the devastation of Japan” should be the national priorities. I indeed find myself could not agree with him more except “the devastation of Japan”.
            In the discussion of the national debt issue, Mr. Hubbed collected many data that strongly support his reason why national debt should be the top priority. The debts are measured in trillions dollars and the numbers are shocking of course. He also included the data of private debt which seems to me is very interesting, because it is about 4 times of total federal government debt. The whole nation agrees on the biggest agenda of the nation is the nation’s debts issue. However, it is hard to agree on how to fix the problem. All the solutions that Mr. Hubbed suggested are convincing, some of those I do agree, such as stop incurring debt and re-structure salary. Some are just simply too ideal, by which I mean we can only hope.
            When it comes to Middle East issues, he made it very clear that supporting the renewal of the Patriot Ac does not mean supporting “continuation of the war”. He listed four reasons and one of those was, I quote, “First, we can’t afford continuing this fight in the manner we are fighting it (remember, that the National Debt would be my first priority).” I think it would be more persuasive if he had included some statistic evidence. I understand that Mr Hubbed thinks U.S. should stay away of involving and transfer the attention from elsewhere to itself and we need a leader who can order to “bring the troops back!”  Is it really that simply?
            Japan, what have happened is a tragic. All countries shall support Japan in all means regardless what they have done in the past. Japan should be one of the priorities because of China according to Mr. Hubbed’s argument. So, really, China is United States’ priority. I say United States is the forever standing giant if it wins this “world new domination” competition in such chaos as Mr. Hubbed argued in this article. Losing the game does not make United States a failure. Maintaining the number one status should not be this nation’s priority, maybe United States would be the forever standing giant.
            This is a very intelligent argument and it is logically reasoned. Mr. Hubbed sees problems from the surface to certain depth and analyzes them with strong evidences, intelligent opinions and strategies. I really enjoyed reading it. 

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