Monday, February 28, 2011

Austin is Growing?

Austin is growing! How big is it going to be? Will it be over populated? Can a growth of a city be planed? If so, will the plan be fellow? Most importantly, how is this city going to grow? Those are the questions I have after reading "Blueprint for Austin's growth heading to council". I don't think my questions would be answered with certainty, but the idea of growing within the urban area instead of expanding endlessly outward is very attractive to me. Concentrate the population into a well developed or a developing area is most definitely a way to control city growth and limit unnecessary environmental destruction. Austin metro train system would be fully used and potentially public transportation system would be developed to an extend that people do not have to rely on cars. Concentrated area would bring more local business and boost local economy. Urban area's housing price would not be outrageous anymore compare to suburb housing, etc.
So, here is the conclusion of my personal opinion: a growing city is unavoidable. I prefer the Austin that's from 10 years ago. Many prefer the one from 20 or 30 years back. Human population is growing. If we have to grow, let's grow within and grow taller instead of fatter. Let's work with what we have already destroyed instead of destroying more beautiful woods and land. Let's reserve some of those precious land for the animals we love and next generations we hope for. 

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